Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our State Flower

A huge lush magnolia tree in full bloom is a common site in the Delta...........They are used to decorate for any summer party, weddings, baby showers and the like. I just like to float a big bloom in a glass bowl with water and the aroma beats any store bought potpourri you every smelled. Our Great Governor Haley Barbour had magnolia saplings as "favors" at both his inaugurations in our capitol city of Jackson. I have both of mine planted in prominent places in the yard(see pic to the right, first bloom) to watch them grow and become strong just like our State is doing under his leadership. Oh, by the way, Haley is born and reared right here in Yazoo City, graduated from Yazoo High School with my sister, they were Mr. and Mrs. YHS back in 1964 or so.

The King

Mississippi, the birthplace of Elvis, Tupelo, MS. Though not in the Delta, Elvis was still tremendously impacted by the black blues music of the Delta and the gospel songs and negro spirituals from the delta cotton field workers. There is no better road trip than to ride up Highway 61, the blues highway, straight through the heart of the Delta and on into Memphis to visit Graceland. I have been to Graceland a lot and taken friends, both skeptics and fans, but all leave with an amazing experience and an appreciation of why Elvis was and still is "The King" !!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The one that DIDN'T get away......

Now my husband is a fisherman, as is any sane man in the south. I'm gonna share with you his near record catch. That would be a red-eye crappie, sometimes called a white perch around these parts. That one is about as big as they grow, he weighed in at 2 pounds 8 ounces, the state record is 3.3. He is now proudly displayed in my den on a nice piece of drift wood and some grass sprigs accenting it. If you have never eaten fresh fried perch, you haven't lived......

another one of the many reasons I choose to live in the Delta......

Red Hot Delta BBQ

Barbequeing or Q'in is serious business in the delta.

This is the way a proper spread of ribs should be

presented ..........these particular ones were prepared
by my dear friends "The Sassy Sows"......

Wolf Lake in July

Wolf Lake in July 2008 in the rain shower..... (on left)

Cypress tree on left front of my landing in Humphreys County,Mississippi

Same tree back in 2004 with sunshine and

lower water...... (on right)

Wolf Lake is pretty much my favorite place to be in my spare time. My family has owned a lot since the mid- sixties and we have had many parties, especially 4th of July celebrations, graduation luau's, hell, we even had one of my friend's weddings out on the deck long ago. It is an oxbow lake and the water level fluctuates with the Mississippi and Yazoo river levels. It has fine fishing and boating !! You can ski for over fourteen miles if you can hang on that long..........

The deck........