Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our State Flower

A huge lush magnolia tree in full bloom is a common site in the Delta...........They are used to decorate for any summer party, weddings, baby showers and the like. I just like to float a big bloom in a glass bowl with water and the aroma beats any store bought potpourri you every smelled. Our Great Governor Haley Barbour had magnolia saplings as "favors" at both his inaugurations in our capitol city of Jackson. I have both of mine planted in prominent places in the yard(see pic to the right, first bloom) to watch them grow and become strong just like our State is doing under his leadership. Oh, by the way, Haley is born and reared right here in Yazoo City, graduated from Yazoo High School with my sister, they were Mr. and Mrs. YHS back in 1964 or so.

1 comment:

Linda said...

whose magnolia trees do you have planted???????